zondag 31 oktober 2010


I had the best night of my life with my friends! We watched all night long horror movies and chickflicks until the morning! We had so much fun, taking pictures, movies etc.. It was just a perfect Haloween! Eating pizza, chips and tons of cola and limonade... ;] It was just awesome! <3

vrijdag 29 oktober 2010

Boy I like him.. ;s

I know someone who I really like... But I'm afraid to even look at him! Sometimes he looks at me too, but I'm so shy that I get so red. I really want to talk to him and things like that... Maybey I should do a 'move'? No, because I'm too scared! Sometimes he looks like he's intresting and then it's like he doesn't know me. But I'm sure he feels the same way too? Not 'like like', but just thinks I'm cute?


Myn twee hartsvriendinnen veranderen van school. Heel erg! één er van is al verandert, en de andere verandert na de Herfstvakantie! Ze zitten samen met mij in de klas en ik vind het heel erg! Want ze zitten al met mij op school sinds de lagere school.. :( Alles wordt anders zonder hen? Ik ben dan altijd alleen... Ik heb wel andere vrienden, maar het voelt raar zonder hen! Pff, hoe zou ik dit jaar moeten overleven?

maandag 18 oktober 2010

I hate to pretend.

I hate to pretend like a care.
I hate to pretend  like I know my friends care about me.
I hate to pretend that I don't like that special  guy!
I hate to pretend like a like them!
I hate to pretend everything that I do.
I just have enough. Enough is enough!

zondag 17 oktober 2010

My tought of today.

I love the song 'So Sick' of Ne-Yo.
The lyrics are so true! 
It makes me so emotional and I keep singing it in my mind.
It makes my thinking of someone very special...
But it's so lame to think about it, because the person doesn't know it's about him.
And he never will know... x

zaterdag 16 oktober 2010

The real me.

The real me doesn't like listening to rules.
The real me likes to do her own thing.
The real me isn't in love.
The real me hates people who just judging people on their looks!
The real me loves listening to techno, electro music.
The real me is very shy if a boy is around her.
The real me hates people that thinks they're 'it'
The real me hates fake friends.
The real me loves people who can laugh and be funny.
The real me loves her friends.

I'm not in love.

I met a boy, but I don't know him wel... And I have now a strange feeling?  It makes my going crazy! 
I just want to share my feelings and toughts... 
